Attention Investors!

Want to Do Big Real Estate Deals but Don't Qualify For Lender Funding or Have the Experience the Lenders are Looking For?

Who Else Wants A Sponsor Who Will Qualify For The Bank Loan For Your Big Deal So You Can Get A Considerable Acquisition Fee, Monthly Cash Flow, And Big Appreciation!!!

At Last Year's Sponsorship Event, The Participants Were Exposed To 11 Potential Sponsors To Get Them In Their Deal, And This Year There Will Be 14!

Dear Multi-Family Millions Graduate and Fellow Investor,

You've been to our Multi-Family Millions Boot Camp. You've got the tools and the systems to do big deals. You've heard the stories of countless other students starting with practically nothing and now are doing big deal after big deal, getting huge acquisition fees, large monthly cash flows and a crap load of appreciation (real wealth) - and you want it too!

If you have been to the office, you have seen their pictures and stories wallpapering our walls.

...But there is a problem... you either don't have the net worth, the liquid assets and/or the experience to qualify for the lender financing. You know it takes a net worth equal to the loan amount (A 1M loan amount needs a 1M net worth), you know the lenders are looking for a year's worth of payments in liquid assets, and, if it's a bigger deal, they want someone on the team who has experience running a property that size so they know they are going to get their money back!

There is a little voice inside your subconscious that keeps pulling you back from going after bigger deals. It tells you, "Why bother, you don't qualify", "Don't do it, you will be exposed", "The broker will find out you're a fraud", "You'll never be able to close it", "You don't deserve it", "It's for other people"... you know that voice. If you could just silence that voice, you could start doing these deals and getting your piece of the pie.

And here's the problem... the voice is right!

And here is another problem, where do you find the person who will help you qualify for these bigger deals (a sponsor)?

It's Not Easy, But Here Is One Solution!

Networking! You know, going to event after event, meeting strangers, giving them your elevator pitch, creating relationships, searching for the really high net worth individuals (your targets) and then wining and dining them until you pop the question... "Will you be my sponsor?"


There Is A Second Solution And It Is VERY Easy!

Your solution is... the 2018 Sponsorship Event... where, yes, we provide you with the sponsors! These are qualified people who want to do your deals. Several of them who were once in your shoes and know what it's like to need a partner to get the first couple of deals done to get out of the gate.

But once you're out of the gate, you get to spread your wings and fly! After you do a few deals on your own and make big bucks, you also can qualify to be a sponsor... it's the circle of life... your money...

These sponsors are students who got the exact same training that you got (at our Multi-Family Millions Boot Camp), put it into practice and changed their life. They were you four to five years ago and they are you four or five years from now.

They Know Your Story, They Empathize With You, They Want To Help You And They Want To Make Money With You

At the Sponsorship Event, we will expose you to at most fourteen sponsors. We will create an atmosphere where you can speak with them in groups and one-on-one. You will get to know them, how they do business, and what they look for in a deal and partnership. You will match with someone who is like-minded and wants to do business with you. You can be matched with more than one sponsor too because one size does not fit all and we all do different kinds of deals.

What does this mean?

It means you leave the event with the confidence of knowing you have the qualifications to do the big deals.

It means you can network and talk with brokers with an attitude that you can close the big deals.

It means you can start doing the big deals and start making big, life-changing money and building a business that will sustain you and your family for years to come.

Sixteen Years Of Success!

How do we know this? We at RE Mentor have been teaching Multi-Family Investing for over sixteen years. We have seen this scenario play out over and over again. We change lives.

You've been through some of our teachings, and you know it's quality. We provide solutions to your investing problems. This is a need we realized that needed to be filled and that is why we created this event.

We train you how to do big deals, but yet you don't qualify in the lender's eyes to do these deals. So what is the solution? ...To introduce you to sponsors who do!


"More incredible than I ever expected it to be. Just signed a 56-unit in Texas and I wasn't sure how I was going to close on it. We almost didn't qualify for the loan for the last deal. At this event, I have two sponsors fighting to do my deal! You need to come to this event!"

Adam Adams

"I got to meet with sponsors from different parts of the country doing different types of deals. I learned from people doing it. There were plenty of partnership opportunities!"

Paul Sullup

"Best place to meet seasoned multifamily investors and network with people who will help you get the deals done, understand what really drives them to close deals and learn what to do and what not to do; this is the place to be. The networking was GREAT!"

Laure Marmontel

"You will find private money, get sponsors, meet experienced people who will answer your questions and guide you... be prepared and bring your business card! You're going to meet a lot of people who exemplify  where you want to go!"

Vanessa and Martin Lee

"Fantastic event. Deal with experienced people who have done the big deals and are willing to help you. No other place can get you  this type of knowledge!"

Sreeni Vatu

"Meet some of the most successful people in the nation. If you want the right training to get sponsors, this is the place to be. It was a phenomenal event and the way it was organized was priceless. If you want to be the best, you need to get the best training. It's here."

Marco LunaMan

"My partner sent me here. What a fantastic event, I learned a lot! I spoke with at least 12 different sponsors and they shared with me how to prepare my package for my next deal so we can do it together!"

Steve Brown

"Amazing experience – it's all about meeting a lot of sponsors and learning all types of tips, strategies, and tricks. It's a fantastic program, and if you need a sponsor, this is the place to be. A sponsor is crucial to your success!"

Brian Newell

"Sponsorship was a great event, I never imagined we would get that much information and that there would be so many sponsors. They taught us things that work and, more importantly, things that don't work. I was able to create deep relationships with these sponsors by going out to lunch with them and talking one on one during the event. I recommend it to everyone!"

Jose Rivera

"It was great to have each one of the sponsors come to your table and tell you what they look for in a person who is bringing them a deal, the type of deals they do. They also give you advice on the kinds of things you need to do to be successful in this business. This was a great hands-on experience. Thank you!"

Steve Streetman
Woody Allen Said "80% Of All Success Is Showing Up"

Imagine going to a three-day event and at the end of that event, you have a handful of people who are ready to support you on your next big deal so you can bring it to the finish line.  Compare that to endless networking and talking to strangers who you are not sure if they are even interested in real estate (if they have any money) and/or if they would be willing to be a sponsor for you. How many nights away from home will you spend trying to find that sponsor?

How Many Times Will You Hear "NO" Before You Get A "YES!"

Take the shortcut and attend the Sponsorship Event November 16-18 and walk away with a new-found confidence and ability to do big deals. Heck, once you sign up, if you get a deal between now and the event date and you need a sponsor, we will match you with one. (One who wants to do your deal.) You don't have to wait until November! You get a sponsor immediately if/when you need one!

At this event, you are going to hear from and meet the sponsors. They are going to form a panel, introduce themselves and the moderator is going to ask them a series of questions. One of the questions will be, "If an investor sends you 'x' or tells you 'x', they will immediately disqualify themselves in your mind for doing business. What is 'x'?".

The Answer To This Question Alone Is A Reason To Go To The Event!

This may be the most important question the moderator asks because you may be saying or sending things to your potential sponsors that are disqualifying you from even being considered for a partnership. You may already have talked to some very high net worth people who have the ability to sponsor you on very large deals but, because of what you said, they don't want to do it with you! And the worst part is, you don't know what you said or that you've ever been disqualified! You just assumed they were not interested and... you were right because you disinterested them.

It's Not What You Say It's How You Say It

Part of the event is going to be about how to present a deal to a sponsor, what they are looking for and what they are not looking for. Hint, they want a simple one page summary with certain key information.  A twenty-one-page property package is a waste of your time and theirs.

At This Event, You Will...
  • Meet Actual Sponsors

  • Discover How To Talk To A Sponsor

  • Discover The Top Ten Reasons Why Sponsors Don't Sponsor A Deal

  • Discover What Sponsors Are Looking For

  • Learn The Analyzation Skills To Present Sponsors With Good Deals

  • Learn How To Create A Property Package That Sells Investors And Sponsors Into The Deal

  • Have One On One Time With Actual Sponsors

  • Get A Head Start On Your Competition

  • Have The Confidence Of Knowing You Have A Sponsor For Your Next Deal

  • If You Need A Sponsor For A Deal Prior To The Event, You Will Receive Advanced Training And A Sponsor Contact

This Is Life Changing Information, But It Is Not Cheap

The event is not cheap, but if you think about the number of deals and money you can make by having a sponsor in your pocket... it's very cheap and life-changing.

The average 100-unit deal has a value of $4,000,000. A 5% acquisition fee on $4,000,000 is $200,000. The cash flow is approximately $10,000 per month, and after investors and the sponsor take their share you'll get about $2,500. At the end of three years when it is sold, the average appreciation is 40% with a value-add included (you know that is the only way we teach to buy), and that is a $5,600,000 resale value or a $1,600,000 profit. Let's say your share is 25%, the same as the cash flow. That means you get $400,000.

So let's total this up. You get:

Take the shortcut and attend the Sponsorship Event November 16-18 and walk away with a new-found confidence and ability to do big deals. Heck, once you sign up, if you get a deal between now and the event date and you need a sponsor, we will match you with one. (One who wants to do your deal.) You don't have to wait until November! You get a sponsor immediately if/when you need one!


Acquisition Fee at the closing!!!


3 yr. cash flow at $2,500 per month


At the resale


Total profit!!!!

Would You Give Me $25,000 If I Gave You $690,000 Back?

Would you pay $25,000 to get $690,000? Of course you would, it's a no-brainer and you know that it's probably not going to be your only deal (heck, if it was, it's still a bargain). The sponsor will sponsor you for the next one as well, and then you will be on your own doing deals yourself because now you will be able to qualify on your own!!! More profits in your pocket!

You will be making more money and doing bigger deals... and then making even more money. $25,000 for potential millions is a deal!

But You Won't Pay $25,000. You Won't Pay $15,000 Or Even $10,000...

You will pay what over three hundred other students have paid to get their breakthrough sponsor, only $5,000. All the time, aggravation, nights out from your family you will save, and all the money you will start to make from getting into bigger deals faster... you know this is a BARGAIN!!!

First Come First Served, Not Everyone Will Get A Seat

Seating is limited because we have to keep the size small so the ratio between sponsors and investors is such that you can talk to each of the sponsors and start a relationship. Once it is filled, it is filled and we will not do it again for another year... if we do it again.

If we do, we will not offer it again until next August, which means we will not have any available sponsors for you until then, so if you sign up too late and we are full... I will say "I'm Sorry" now because all the begging, cajoling, and talking to my mom will not get you in the door.

So what you want to do right now is to reach into your wallet and pull out your credit card and visit the link below since you want to solve your funding problems now and start doing big deals by signing up for the Sponsorship Event.


When you fill out the web order form, you will have immediate access to a sponsor for a current deal you are working on or a sponsor for a deal you find between now and the event. You will also receive a digital recording and manual of a previous event to get up to speed immediately on how to present your deal to a sponsor.

But What If You Are Not At The Event?

If you decide not to come to the event, imagine how you are going to feel when you land that one hundred plus unit deal (the one with the $160,000 acquisition fee, $4,000 a month monthly cash flow and a value play that will retire you and loved one). magine how it's going to feel when you can't do the deal because you do not qualify for the financing and time runs out during your due diligence process... the time you spent frantically going to networking meetings trying to flush out a sponsor!

By the way, people can smell desperation a mile away. The fastest way to turn off a sponsor is when the sponsor feels rushed.

The Sun Shines In, Your Face Clears Up And Your Love Life Gets Better!

Instead, when you do sign up, you will have a new feeling of optimism knowing you can take down any size deal. Optimism knowing you have the backing of a qualified sponsor to partner with you to close your deal when you need them. Optimism knowing when the broker asks you for your experience, you can use the sponsor's experience as your own (since he/she is now your partner). This will give you a huge boost in confidence!!!

Now Is The Time Take Action!

We are looking forward to seeing you at the event and in the future and putting your picture with your deal on our "Wall of Fame", the place where all happy people and good deals go. You will look forward to cashing checks, growing your business and creating a sustainable income (monthly cash flow) and wealth (appreciation) that will support your family's lifestyle for years and years to come!

Dedicated To Your Fast Path To Success,

Todd Rach
RE Mentor

P.S. This is the event that has changed many, many lives. It has kick-started more people into doing bigger deals faster and with the confidence of knowing they have a sponsor to back them up and help them qualify for the deals. Click here to get your seat now!

P.P.S.  Space and sponsors are limited. There are only so many seats and only so many sponsors we will have at this event (14 in total). Sign up now and get a guaranteed sponsor you can use right away or when you need them for your deal. You don't have to wait for the event. If you miss out, it will be another year or so from now before registration opens up for this event again.

P.P.P.S. This event solves your 'qualifying for a big deal' and lack of confidence problem. Sign up now by clicking here and get the benefits now – immediate access to a sponsor for your deal, immediate access to a previous event recording to get you up to speed on how to talk to a sponsor properly, and a precious seat at the upcoming Sponsorship Event!